Our Focus

JH Bertrand is one of a few companies in the United States that specializes in booklet labels and related extended content labels.

JH Bertrand is focused exclusively on Booklet Label Systems.

The Booklet Label industry worldwide is 100’s of millions in sales per year. JH Bertrand owns the domains bookletlabel.com and bookletlabels.com. If you type those in your URL, you get us. We track #1 or #2 on Google for the search term booklet label. And, we have 39 years of focus in this special niche of the label industry. We are respectfully and humbly conveying that we love what we do, and are dedicated to doing it well with continuous improvement.

Whether you’re handling government required copy, legal text, a volume of patient information, the need to provide a stimulating ON PRODUCT promotion or finding space for twenty languages to name a few, you won’t find a company more focused on the answers. This laser beam like focus means we know a lot about the booklet label business. For you, it means a quicker understanding of what you are trying to achieve. In other words, you won’t have to reinvent the wheel with us!

It also means more R & D and a larger variety of specialized booklet label systems with options and nuances that make it a better fit for your product. It means you will never hear us say “we can’t make it because it doesn’t fit on our press”. In fact, between JH Bertrand and its partners, we have over 21 onserters on a variety of presses. Whether you need 200 or 10 million foldout labels, JH Bertrand has the capacity and knowledge to make whatever booklet label you need.

If we can’t make it on press, we’ll try to make it offline. We do millions of specialty foldout labels every year for customers who are looking for unique solutions that couldn’t be made on press. We absolutely love it when customers ask us for something new.

Furthermore, we have 39 years of marketing and brand-building knowledge to share with you that we gained from hundreds of very successful companies.

With all this knowledge comes a track record of delivery that is second to none. JH Bertrand is VERY serious about ON TIME delivery. You could say almost “psychotic” about it which is a positive use for the term. We never want to shut a production line down if humanly possible. We ship on average between 10-15 working days from approved proofs. (Faster for an emergency) And, our service is well matched for those companies that practice LEAN MANUFACTURING.

If you have a hot project today, call us. Not only will you get fast answers, but they will be delivered with passion. Having fun with this niche is our secret weapon!!

If you have an immediate project, call us now at 716-631-9201 so we can get things moving for you. If don’t have an immediate need, but expect to have one sometime in the future, request one of our Big Kit Sample Kits to help you understand what our products can do.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Jeff Bertrand

Zig Ziglar was one of America’s most famous motivational speakers. He has shared the stage with Presidents Ford, Reagan and Bush, General Norman Schwarzkopf, and Secretary of State Colin Powell. He has appeared on The Today Show, ABC’s 20/20, and CBS’s 60 Minutes. We were lucky to work with him in 2011 before he passed in late 2012. His message is timeless.

Aside from jhbertrand.com, you can reach us with these easy to remember domain names: bookletlabel.com, couponlabel.com, datanecker.com, druglabel.com, expandedinformationlabel.com, expandedlabel.com, expandedcopylabel.com, expandedcontentlabel.com, extendedcontentlabel.com, extendedtext.com, extendedtextlabel.com, foldoutlabel.com, labelwithpages.com, megalabel.com, msdslabel.com, multipanellabel.com, multiplylabel.com, multipagelabel.com, onpackpromotion.com, patientinsert.com, pharmaceuticallabel.com, promotionallabel.com, pouchlabel.com, shortrunfoldoutlabel.com, supplementallabel.com, wraparoundlabel.com